Ruben Carbajal
Ruben Carbajal writes for stage, screens, and beyond. He’s the author of the 80s high-school stage comedy The Gifted Program, the minimalist love story Portland, and many short plays. His award-winning audio dramas include Something in the Air (Sundog Theatre’s The Originals Project) and, You Can Thank Me Later (Marion Thaurer
Brown Award). His work pops up in the occasional theatre anthology, like The Covid Monologues, 105 Five Minute Plays, One Minute Plays: A Practical Guide For Theatre, and
most recently, Ten(ish): Comedies for Stage Partners. For screens, he's developed a sci-fi pilot for Nickelodeon, was a showrunner for Awesomeness TV, and scripted several of Fuse's top-rated music specials. The beyond includes traveling the globe as a live entertainment writer for the NBA, naming new apps and companies, and writing speeches for everyone from celebrities to CEOs.
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